Parent Info & Useful Links
$84 per day (Full day) we also include shorter session times for child care subsidy requirements.
What to bring
Your child will need
- A hat (preferably a full brimmed hat)
- Cot sized sheets for rest time if you would like them to rest
- A full healthy lunch box (please click on Good For Kids Good For Life link below for ideas)
- Backpack with spare clothes (especially underwear and pants if toilet training)
- 6 nappies if your child is still using them
- Water bottle and milk bottle if your child still needs one
Please label all of your child's items as many children have the same things.
Child Care Benefit
What is Child Care Benefit?
Child Care Benefit is a payment from the Australian Government that helps you with the cost of your child care.
Who can get Child Care Benefit?
You can get Child Care Benefit if you are a parent, foster parent or grandparent with a child in your care who is attending child care services approved by, or registered with, the Government.
You can get Child Care Benefit if:
you have a child in your care who meets the immunisation requirements (or have an exemption)
you or your partner (if you have one) meet residency requirements (or have an exemption)
your child attends approved or registered care and you have the liability to pay for the cost of your child care
you meet the income test
Depending on your circumstances (e.g. what type of child care service you use and the number of hours) you may be entitled to Child Care Benefit. You should contact the Centrelink for an accurate assessment. For information on Child Care Benefit, please go to the Factsheet PDF under useful links heading
Useful Links